About the product
  • Prevent hair loss and promote hair grwoth. Biotin also known as Vitamin B7 contributes to the production of healthy hair
  • Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body that helps renew cells, improves the health of skin and hair and ensures the elasticity and regeneration of hair.
  • Helps strengthen and fortify your hair for a thicker and healthier look
  • Adds volume and dimension for fuller look
  • Sulfate and Paraben free and not tested on animals

  • Sulfate, phosphate, & paraben free.
  • Strengthens and fortifies hair shaft
  • Helps to thicken and texturize
  • Adds volume and dimension for a fuller look
  • Shampoo pH 5.5 - 6.6
  • Conditioner pH 4.5 - 5.5
  • Biotin: Also known as Vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as a coenzyme in the body, which contributes to the production of healthy hair.
    • Collagen: The most abundant protein in the human body that helps renew cells, improves the health of skin and hair and ensures the elasticity and regeneration of hair. 
  • pH levels between 5 - 7 are ideal for shampoos and conditioners. The amount of hydrogen in the solution is what determines whether it is acidic or alkaline. Solutions with higher pH levels are harsher on hair and cause the cuticles to open, exposing the interior of hair shafts. Slightly acidic solutions work to close and protect the cuticles and in turn, help to retain moisture in the shaft.