
GMR EHX Small Clone EH4600 "Depth/Vibrato Mod" Kit

The EHX Small Clone Chorus is one of the most famous chorus pedals of all time. Its misunderstood and is usually forgotten when we talk about Analog Choruses such as the Boss CE-2. This is mostly due to the limited controls, basically Speeds and 2 depth settings which basically equate to the minimum and maximum. Adding the GMRspares "Depth/Vibrato" mods gives access to the full range of depth control. But don't worry the Depth switch doesn't go to waste as the second part of the mod uses this to switch off the dry signal to give us a very effective vibrato just like the Boss VB-2. Perfect for tape flutter style tones for those early Blur sounds and the likes of Mac DeMarco. As an added extra for those hearing a volume drop that problem is addressed also.

You'll be given the components and a link to a detailed set of instructions sent too you through here.

No pedal included, picture is for illustration only.

In your kit

1 x Potentiometer

1 x Potentiometer Knob

2 x Resistors

4 x Lengths of Wire

GMR EHX Small Clone EH4600 "Depth/Vibrato" Mod Kit - YouTube

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