Rhodonite and faceted rhodochrosite bracelet crystal healing

Rhodonite is an ideal stone for processing and dispelling emotional pain. It clears away wounds and scars of the past, releasing abusive and self-destructive behaviors, feelings of hatred, anger or resentment, and allows one to see both sides of an issue.
it helps to bring peace to troubled relationships.
The energy of this stone also helps you to discover innate talents that you may not have been aware of, and work out the best way to utilize them. 
During stressful times, when you are fearful or panicky, this crystal can be used to calm you, and will assist you to release the fear that you are holding onto
This crystal is helpful within the emotional body, for healing shock and soothing tension and stress, and it also has many other good healing attributes within the physical body. 
Rhodochrosite is a gorgeous, deep raspberry-pink or rose-red crystal that is also called the Stone of the Compassionate Heart. It is the quintessential gemstone of love and compassion. Rhodochrosite brings true joy to one's life, heals old wounds and makes it possible to love yourself and others unconditionally

will of been cleansed and charged by the last full moon 🌙🌕

The healing crystal meanings are for spiritual support and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

Thank you