Nisita® Nasal Ointment

Made in Germany


- Valuable mineral salts aid the regeneration of the nasal mucous membrane

- Clean and moisten the nasal mucous membrane, for example, in the case of prevailing dry room air

- Loosen scabs and crusts

- For supportive treatment of a blocked nose during colds ,for example

- No known interactions with other drugs

- Suitable for long-term use

- For adults, children and infants


Nisita® Nasal Ointment
•100 g ointment contains
•2.8 g sodium chloride
•7.2 g sodium bicarbonate

Nisita® Nasal Ointment is well tolerated and free from preservatives. The product is suitable for children and infants as well.


The respiratory tract is lined with a mucous membrane, which guarantees full functional ability of the respiratory organs.Glandular cells and so-called ciliary hair (cilia) are embedded in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. The glandular cells produce a liquid (secretion), which warms and moistens the air that is breathed in (approx. 10 000 litre daily) and, at the same time, absorbs dust, dirt, germs etc. The cilia are in constant motion and transport absorbed foreign particles,as like on a conveyor belt, back out or – via the throat – to the stomach. When the mucous membranes dry out, their natural protective function is no longer guaranteed.Nisita® contains the salts sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. The salt content is tailored to the needs of the nasal mucous membrane and aids the regeneration thereof. Sodium and chloride are responsible, being major ions, for maintaining osmotic pressure and therefore various bodily functions.

Owing to their hygroscopic effect, they create a moist environment in the nose.

As a buffer system, sodium bicarbonate keeps the pH faintly alkaline, thus enabling the cilia to function properly.

The functions of the nasal mucous membrane are thus ideally boosted. The cleaning function of the mucous membrane is aided. Existing crusts and scabs are gently softened. Symptoms such as itching, burning and sneezing are able to be alleviated. Thanks to the liquefying effect of Nisita® Nasal Ointment and Nasal Spray, stubborn secretion is able to drain off more easily and nasal breathing is improved.


The saying „salt of life“ makes the essential importance of salt in our body clear. All of our bodily fluids contain salts. The salt in every cell in the body regulates metabolism, which is indispensable for cell regeneration. The salt in cells is more or less vital for every bodily function. Our brain impulses are only able to be transmitted if the „salt content“ is right.

As far back as in primitive times, salt deposits, which could even be found in high mountainous regions, formed from dried out seas. At around roughly 10, 000 B.C., man put down roots and began cultivating plants and crops. As man had previously
obtained enough salt from the animal-based food caught as a hunter, man probably began to consciously add salt to food at that time. Settlements were formed close to salt deposits and man first started mining for salt. The Egyptians, Sumerians and Babylonians used salt from dried out lakes and from the sea as a preservative. Knowledge was passed on with the help of writings. The term “salary” emerged then. It derives from salt and was a form of payment. Soldiers were often paid for their services precious salt vices.

In the Middle Ages, towns, which were known owing to their trade in salt, grew into metropolises and gained in influence.Centres developed at major points along the salt trade streets. For instance, Munich and Rome owe their existence to salt trade. Even today, these salt trade towns can still be recognised by their names, e.g. Bad Reichenhall, Halle, Salzburg or Salzgitter. (Celt: salt = hall). The great importance of salt led to wars and political power struggles among rulers.

Function of the nose

The nose has many functions, which serve, amongst other things, to prevent diseases of the respiratory tract

Climate control
A nasal mucous membrane with sufficient blood supply warms air that is breathed in to a constant temperature, irrespective of climatic conditions. Its cells produce a secretion, which regulates the air to a moisture content of 80 to 85 %.

Cleaning and defence
The nasal secretion catches the tiniest of dirt particles and germs,which are then transported by small hairs or cilia in the direction of the throat. From there, they continue onwards into the stomach, where they are made harmless. Larger dirt particles are intercepted by nasal hair at the entrance to the nose.

When the nose becomes a desert…

A dry nose is a frequently occurring problem

It not only affects all age groups, but can crop up at any time of the year. Possible causes include side effects from specific drugs, heated and air-conditioned rooms, dust or other irritants, which can lead to desiccation of the nasal mucous membrane.

The crusts and scabs, which form when the nose becomes dry are not only tiresome, they can also be very painful. The risk of infection can also be higher when the nose is dried out. Breathing as well asour sense of smell and taste are also impaired. Many feel this to be a significant encroachment on their quality of life.

If the nasal mucous membrane is dry (rhinitis sicca), it feels inflamed and sore. A so-called dry cold is the result. Instead of producing more liquid in order to maintain the moist environment in the nose, the mucous membrane merely produces a poorly cleaning secretion.

When the nose reacts allergically…

In the case of allergic rhinitis, a distinction is made between seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay-fever, pollinosis), which occurs primarily during spring and summer, perennial allergic rhinitis (e.g. house dust mite allergy) and occupational allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis has been on the increase in the last few years.Various reasons are being discussed as being the reason for this, including better hygiene, an increase in the aggressiveness of harmful allergens as well as changes in living habits.

An allergy is an excessive defence reaction of the immune system to specific and normally harmless environmental substances, which manifests itself in typical processes triggered by inflammatory processes. These lead to the release of various substances, e.g. histamine, which plays a central role in allergic reactions in humans

When the nose wants to get away from depending on nasal sprays…

There are many nasal sprays and ointments, which reduce swelling of the nasal mucous membrane and unblock the nose as a result.

The long-term or permanent use of these products, however, can dry the nasal mucous membrane out: it swells up again in order to increase blood circulation. Nasal breathing is restricted and the nose becomes „blocked“. If this blocked nose is then treated again with the decongestant, a vicious circles begins and the nose becomes dependent on the product. This is known as rhinitis medicamentosa.
The nasal mucous membrane gets drier and more irritated and can suffer permanent damage as a result. The only way out of this vicious circle is withdrawal. You can do this with products that care for the nasal mucous membrane.

Application of Nisita® Nasal Ointment

How do you use Nisita® Nasal Ointment?

Administer a 1cm-long string of ointment into each nostril several times daily. Insert the end of the tube as far as possible
into each nostril, press a little ointment out and, by gently massaging the sides of the nose, distribute evenly over the nasal
mucous membrane. A cotton-wool bud may also be used to apply the ointment to the inner surfaces of the nose.

The ointment should be applied several times a day, especially before going to bed.

How long may you use Nisita® Nasal Ointment for?

If necessary, Nisita® Nasal Ointment may be used over a longer period of time. If there is no improvement after 14 days’
treatment, please go and see your doctor or pharmacist.

May Nisita® Nasal Ointment be used during pregnancy or breast-feeding?

There is no experience to argue against the use of Nisita® Nasal Ointment during pregnancy or breast-feeding.

When should Nisita® Nasal Ointment not be used?

Nisita® Nasal Ointment may not be used in the case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients contained in the product