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HealthWest Pure Fulvic Acid

 If you are only ever going to take one health supplement in your life... 


Fulvic Acid is a highly efficient multi directional antioxidant

·        Alkalises the body faster than any other natural health product on earth

·        Increases energy levels and Improves concentration

·        Increases mental clarity

·        Increased sense of well-being

·        The Ultimate in Anti-Aging

·        Balances, restores, and rejuvenates cell life

·        Increases endurance

·        Acts as a catalyst for enzymatic reactions

·        Assimilates vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from food or supplement intake

·        Protects against free radical damage

·        Complexes nutrients into smaller particle sizes (lowers the molecular weight of nutrients)

·        Provides vital electrolytes


Free Radicals

Free radicals are a normal part of a well-balanced system and are produced naturally by the body to supply energy to cells, fight bacteria and viruses as well as to regulate hormones. When systems are in balance, the production and management of free radicals proceeds as intended. It is only when our system gets out of balance that free radicals circulate unchecked throughout the body, injuring tissue and making cells more susceptible to chronic inflammation, infections, and disease.

Fulvic Acid is one of the most powerful natural free-radical scavengers and antioxidants known and has the unique ability to turn bad guys into good guys.

Fulvic Acid bonds to these free radicals, transforming them into organic, usable substances that can be incorporated into the life sustaining bio-available nutrients that our body needs: they then become an asset instead of a liability.

In the event that the chemical makeup of the free radical is of no particular benefit, it is mobilised, and carried out of the body as a waste product.

Nutritional Benefits

When fulvic acid is present in the body, nutrients are dissolved into the simplest ionic form and disappear into the fulvic structure. Most of the benefits we receive from nutrients are due to their co-factor reactions with each other. Fulvic Acid offers tremendous benefits because it greatly enhances these reactions.

It makes vitamins and minerals more absorbable by complexing them into organic, ionic forms that are easily transported into and through membranes and cell walls. Once the nutrients are dissolved and complexed by the fulvic electrolyte, they become bio- available, mobile, and readily absorbable.

In a nutshell, when Fulvic Acid is present you get far greater benefit from all the nutrients you consume, whatever the source.

Cell Wall Permeability

Fulvic makes cell walls more permeable, so nutrients can more easily enter the cell, as well as allowing waste to leave the cells more readily.

Weight Loss

A great side benefit is that many people report losing excess weight after starting to take fulvic.

Because mineral deficiency cravings are diminished, you will naturally eat less, which will allow your body weight to balance naturally.

Heavy Metal Detox

Fulvic has the ability to complex and remove toxic heavy metals and other pollutants from the system. It can either convert them into useable compounds or eliminate them as waste. It detoxifies pollutants, including herbicides, radioactive elements and toxic metals, by binding to these substances and then flushing them out of the body.

World’s Finest Electrolyte

Fulvic electrolytes transport essential nutrients and trace minerals in our body in a highly charged bioavailable form and serve as an outside electrical force.

Fulvic electrolytes act as a donor and at other times as a receptor based on a cell’s requirement for balance.

They create this natural balance for many life processes and help each cell perform at its maximum potential

This is the Fulvic phenomenon.