Shiny Zubat/Golbat/Crobat: 
For Pokemon X/Y, OR/AS, S/M, US/UM, Let's Go and Sw/Sh.


When you have made purchase I will contact you to make arrangements for the time we can trade.
Remember we could have diferent time zones so it could take a while to trade.

If you want you can ask for other natures, abilities, moves, iv's, ev's, gender, higher levels, etc.

Instructions after purchase

Once you've purchased this Pokemon send me a message with your friend code, IGN (in-game name) and which game you're using to trade, then I will contact you sending my FC too.

Instructions after purchase (Let's Go)

Once you've made purchased send me a message with your IGN (in-game name) and which game you'll be using to trade, then I will contact you sending my information too.

You will need an Online Nintendo Subscription in order to trade online but you can get 7-day free trial.

To trade in Let's Go you will need to start the game, press the X button, select communicate, select Play with others and then Faraway Player.

Then it will show 10 Pokemon to choose to create a 3-Pokemon code (I will send you my 3-Pokemon code after your purchase).

Instructions after purchase (Sword/Shield)

Once you've made purchased send me a message with your IGN (in-game name), then I will contact you sending my information too.

You will need an Online Nintendo Subscription in order to trade online but you can get 7-day free trial.

To trade in Sword/Shield you will need to start the game, press the "Y" button to open the Y-COMM, press "+" to connect to the internet, select "Link Trade" then choose "Set Link Code" (I will give you the code by email).

Legitimate Pokemon

Disclaimer: In no way do I claim to own any rights to Pokemon, Nintendo, Gamefreak or any associated trademarks. Listing represents time and effort.