American Girl 300 Wishes Game
Match wishes with the player who would find them most desirable.

"Show how well you know your friends by guessing the WISHES they would love to have...or do...or be.  The player that grants the highest ranking wishes wins...and proves she really knows her friends"
Learn more about your friends and yourself.
The diary key is used to turn the score counter.

Players are dealt the "wish" cards which describe accomplishments, jobs/careers or experiences. Each player then anonymously gives one or two wish cards (depending upon if 3 or 4 players) to the other players by sliding them into the player's wish diaries. After wishes are passed out, each person examines the wishes they have and rank them from least to most desirable. Players then shares the wishes they received and how they ranked them. Originators of the wishes score points according to how they were ranked by the recipient. After three rounds, the player with the highest score wins.
Great for sleepover or small group, maximum of 4 players. Ages 8 and up