
Our 6RU 300mm Deep Wall Mount Cabinet will help save your long-term device costs; while securing your exponentially valuable data - more than just your equipment.

Securing More Than Your Equipment

Your server might cost a few thousand dollars, but the data within it could be worth millions. Also, poor storage could result in massive liability concerning sensitive and confidential data, among other risks, which saw an (average total cost of $2.51 million to affected Australian companies in 2017).
That is why our 6RU cabinet provides all-round security with no weak points:

Designed to Save Long-Term Device Costs

The 6RU cabinet design facilitates maximum cooling, which preserves your equipment's lifetime. This will help reduce recurring equipment replacement costs.
The design features:

This is especially critical with sensitive equipment. Hence why many established institutions like banks and IT firms use our products (e.g. Suncorp Australia, National Australia Bank, and NEC Australia).

Compatibility - You Don't Need to Be Tech Savvy

Our 6RU 300mm Deep Wall Mount Cabinet is built around universal 19” standards. This means you don't need technical knowledge to identify compatible devices. It's automatically compatible with your existing setup, which is similarly 19” standard equipment from leading vendors and OEM brands. And it's applicable across all regions and cities, including Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, and Perth.

Designed for Maximum Use

Let's face it, we always want to get the most from anything we spend our hard-earned money on. That is why we squeeze that tube of toothpaste to the last drop and men take a while before buying a new pair of pants. We understand you. It's the reason the 6RU cabinet is designed to grow with you and your business, giving you maximum use for as long as you want:

A Data Cabinet that Punches above Its Size

The 6RU 300mm Deep Wall Mount Cabinet may be compact, but it accommodates a diverse range of equipment:

If you need a bit more space, we have huge selection to choose from.

Service Beyond the Sale

Each 6RU cabinet sold comes fully assembled with a 1-Year warranty. Also you can talk to our dedicated customer care agents who understand your issues.

6RU 300mm Deep Wall Mount Cabinet Features