Reduced for your xmas?

I have tried very hard over the last few years to bring to you items which I believe will aid you in your magical work irrespective of the type of work you do, todays item is something which I find quite literally stunning, it is a;

500mm square Altar Cloth, the design of which I have never seen before but like many things which 'draw' your eyes to them, this did that to me.

Firstly, this altar cloth is brand new so you can give it without fear that something from my work will become embroiled in yours which may well have a detrimental effect.

As you can plainly see the design is a wonderful piece of work I wish I knew from which tome this originated so I could gain more knowledge of its link with my own art, maybe someone out there will enlighten me please!.

I apologize for the altar cloth looking 'crumpled', it has lain folded in my drawer for a while now but a couple of minutes with an iron, ironed on the back not the front, will have it flat as can be, if you cant do it just ask mum to help I don't think she'll mind?

The design tells you more about itself than I can, I have no idea what alphabet the lettering comes from but I will continue to look and up-date the listing when I find out ok.

I seem to continually talk the creation of an 'atmosphere' in the place where you perform your art and though I may belabour the point it is worth reiterating time and again, without being able to surround yourself in an atmosphere which represents what you desire then most of what you do will never happen, its as easy as that. How many times have you thought about calling a friend or family member and then suddenly they call you out of the blue! how many times have you despaired about money and suddenly a small windfall arrives which deals with your current problem and gives you time to organize yourself better, it happens time and again to everyone, some call it 'blind luck' others 'coincidence' but I can tell you with all honesty that it is neither but something you have created yourself, your 'need' has allowed a small shift to occur in your 'fate' it may also be that you were fated to get that bit of luck or that that person was going to call you, whichever way it is nothing could have occurred without 'you' being a part of it. So create the right atmosphere, 'believe' in what you are doing and what you are trying to achieve and the world as they say is your mollusc!

I hope you are all having a happy and prosperous new year.

The weeny print;

Post days are Monday and Thursday, if I can get a neighbour to take things for posting on other days I will try but cannot guarantee it ok