Willem de Kooning Two Standing Women, 1949

Limited edition. 200 copies printed. Mostly retail for 300 dollars at Art Galleries

High Quality Giclee Print.

The print size is: 9"x 12"

Hand numbered and Facsimile Signed.

Printed on high quality, acid-free Rag paper imported directly from France.

Sold as print only. Not framed nor mounted. 

Shipped carefully in a tube.

Free domestic shipping on all orders. 

Giclee print is the highest form of print making. It is the preferred medium for Art Reproductions for High-End Art Collectors especially when the price of the original art is too high. It is recognized as the most accurate printing technique and is 98% true to the original. In fact, without a close inspection some giclees are difficult to distinguish from the original painting. A Giclee Print appreciates in value because of it's relative rarity and high quality. Each print is expected to last for 200 years.