
Name:  Strawberry Seed Aleksandriya.
Weight : 0.1 g approx. 200 seeds.
Seeds maturation:  Average.
Color: Red.
By planting strawberries in her garden or outside and greenhouse or on the balcony of the house, you can pick berries, starting from early summer to late autumn.
Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture, heating it in an oven for 3-4 hours at t 90-100 °C. On the prepared mixture carefully sown seeds mixed with sand.
Shoots appear within 30 days. After the 6th true leaf is carried out planting in the ground.
Plant height - up to 20 cm.
Seeds Longivity: about 2 years.

All our seeds are organically grown, NON-GMO, grown in Ukraine, one of the most developed agricultural countries.
Please look at our other items from Ukraine.

Shipping time to Europe and US is 2-3 weeks, all other countries 3-5 weeks. Items are shipped from Ukraine.
We ship goods on the day of its payment (except Sunday). 
Some countries regulate or restrict imports of plant materials, which may include seeds.
Please be aware that import customs clearance is beyond our control. Please first check that the goods you wish to order are allowed into your country.

Please if you have any questions feel free to ask us.

Have a great and wonderful day!