Beautiful Q'ero Ceremony Chullo Hat This is a chullo hat, hand weaved and decorated with beads in the Andean Community of Q'eros in the province of Paucartambo. The Q'eros commnities still decorating their clothes with beads. This was originated in the 17th century after the Incas were conquered by the Spaniards they practically became Slaves and worked in the fields for the Spaniards called ascendados and as a compensation they recieved products and one of them was beads, At the time they did not know what to do with it and they started sewing into their clothes. At this time many of the Andean communities continue with this tradition and decorate their cloths with beads and buttons. Andean o Q'eros paq'os use this Chullo hat durant the ceremonies; Pago a la Paccha Mama, Despachos and others. DESPACHO - HAYWARISQ'A.- Is the Quechua word for offering. A despacho is an act of love and a reminder of the connections we share with all beings, elements, spirits, and sacred places. It is an opportunity to enter into the essential unity of all things. A despacho is created during a celebratory ceremony, in the cosmology of the Andes.

 Made with alpaca wool and beads, by Andean artisans.

 Measures: 19 inches circunference