Scheda del Libro

Editor in ChiefMortimer J. Adler [1902-2001]

TitoloFrancis Bacon / René Descartes / Baruch Spinoza

CollanaGreat Books of the Western World, #28

EditoreEncyclopædia Britannica

Anno: 1996 (VI Ristampa, in lingua inglese)



Stato di conservazione: Come Nuovo

ContenutoSelected texts and excerpts - in a 2-columns layout - by some of the most following authors in economics, anthropology, history and sociology:

  1. Francis Bacon [1561-1626]
    • Advancement of learning
    • Novum Organum
    • New Atlantis
  2. René Descartes [1596-1650]
    • Rules for the Direction of the Mind [translated by Elizabeth S. Aldane and G.R.T. Ross]
    • Discourse on the Method [translated by Elizabeth S. Aldane and G.R.T. Ross]
    • Meditations on First Philosophy [translated by Elizabeth S. Aldane and G.R.T. Ross]
    • Objections against the Meditations and Replies [translated by Elizabeth S. Aldane and G.R.T. Ross]
    • The Geometry [translated by David Eugene Smith and Marcia L. Latham]
  3. Baruch Spinoza [1632-1677], Ethics [translated by W.H. White and A.H. Stirling]