Editore: Ruhr Tourismus, NRW Tourismus
Anno: 2017
Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco
Misure: chiusa 15,5 x 21,5 cm - aperta 61 x 43 cm
Formato: 6 Mappe Pieghevoli

Le Monopoly Art Maps sono state create nella primavera del 2017: 
sei mappe pieghevoli per l'area della Ruhr / Düsseldorf / Colonia, 
che guidano il visitatore attraverso la regione e soprattutto lo introducono 
nell'arte, nella cultura e nel design. Alcune carte erano racchiuse in un monopolio.

Im Frühjahr 2017 entstanden die Monopol Art Maps: 
sechs Faltkarten zum Ruhrgebiet/Düsseldorf/Köln, 
die den Besucher durch die Region führen und ihm dabei vor allem 
Kunst, Kultur und Design vorstellen. Die Karten wurden zum Teil Monopol beigelegt.

Six maps, 28 routes - count­less pos­sib­il­it­ies to get a hold of the art, the urb­an scene and the cul­ture in Germany

The Monopol Magazine has been inspired by art-oriented expeditions through the Ruhr Area, Düsseldorf and Cologne. Those discoveries have now been illustrated according to each region in the form of six fold-out maps, which – if not tucked away in your neck pouch - make for a stylish framed picture on the wall as well.  The most classic publication in tourism – the fold out map, is now available for NRW in its most exciting version.

In Düsseldorf, the maps will guide you to 20 more or less or entirely unknown locations, that provide for good music, galleries that are worth its weight in gold, pioneers and classics of the art and everything to dine and wine. Where to go dancing and find the best Alt Beer will be told on a side note while using the map. You’ll further be guided to the shiniest architectural gems in the Media Harbor and where the Kunstverein (art society) for the Rhineland and Westphalia is situated.

To find the Ludwig Museum or Wallraff-Richartz Museum in Cologne, all you need is an open eye. But where to spot the Mittwochsmaler or where Merlin Bauer prompts the Kölner to love their city “Liebe Deine Stadt” in bold inordinately large letters – that’s what a quick glimpse at the Cologne Monopol Art Map will tell you. Of course, you can drink Kölsch in the brewery, but the arches of the railway station and burlesque bars have it on tap as well. The Monopol Art Map even leads the way to an original date with a new acquaintance to the luminous pumping plant located next to the river rhine.

Even four times, the Ruhr Area is put under the Monopol- microscope. From West to East you will find Moers and Oberhausen, Essen and Gelsenkirchen, Marl and Herne. Dortmund, Unna and everything in-between on the map. You will have no trouble finding the Ruhrbühnen (Ruhr stages) and the Ruhr art museums with the map in your hand. You will also learn where Yves Klein’s eternal blue embellishes the music theater of the Ruhr Area and where a rusty, old freight locomotive lies on the back of a turtle. The maps will also show you, from where the center for international light art boasts into the world – so that you may take some of that splendor home with you.


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Spedizione: Raccomandata / Pacco Ordinario / Celere / Corriere 
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