1957 Louisburg Rural High School Yearbook The LOMIKA, Louisburg, Kansas located in Miami County. Photos 1 and 2 show the front cover and inside cover page with Editor, Nickie Applegate and Assistant Editor, Julia Lowlor. Photo # 3 shows the Principal of the Louisburg High School Harry Dean Larsen standing in front of the west entrance to the  Photo # 4 shows the Table of Contents. Photos 5 and 6 show the Freshman Class Members Kenneth Prettyman, Jerry Radley, Donald Rankin, Rocky Roberts, Mildred Salyer, Gary Simmons, Malcolm Simms, Danny Smith, Carletta Sparks, Jerry Strausbaugh, Barbara Vohs, Henry Weers. Class Officers: Floyd Cates, Betty Isenhower, Margie Gardner and Barbara Vohs. Also shown are Mr. and Miss Freshman Class students: Margie Gardner and Dale Crotchett. Photo # 7 shows the Football Letterman: Roger Coltrin, Wally Towne, Perry Todd, Max Larsen, Raymond Henry, Lloyd Norris, Larry Knecht, David Whitley, Charles Rankin, Jay Crotchett, Tom Neal, Ronald Roberts, Dale Hin, Charles, James Lee, Paul Gangel, Jerald Strausbaugh, Jerry Strausbaugh and Floyd Cates. Photo # 8 shows Homecoming Queen Roylene Johnston and Homecoming Princesses Phyllis Steger and Kay Gardner. Photos 9  and 10 shows the Sophomore Class Members: Larry Swigart, Wanda Tevis, Lester Town, Vernon Town, Ralph Wallace, Delores Worthington, Ronald Zumbrunnen and Pauline Smith. Mr. and Miss Sophomore Class Judy Close and Lloyd Norris. Class Officers: Bill Brechenridge, Tom Smith and Ralph Wallace. Photo # 11 shows an add for the Trailways Café Bus Depot and Tavern, serving the public since 1931. Located on Old Highway 69 between 3rd and 4th. Photo # 12 shows The Future Farmers of America. Photo # 13 shows the Staff Members of Louisburg High School: James Rogers, Thomas E. Stiles, Harvey Wise, Mrs. McGuirk, Mrs. Sprague, Mr. Good, Frank Huber, Mrs. Frank Huber, Paul Cotton, Everett Rees. Photos 14 and 15 show the Junior Class Members. The remaining photos show the Senior Class Members. What does the name LOMIKA means: LOMIKA stands for Louisburg (LO) - Miami County - MI and Kansas - KA: E Bay shelf # 4.