1940 Jeremiah Burke High School Annual with great photographs and text showing the students, faculty, activities, candids, graphics, pictures of school and surrounding, and local advertisement. Seniors are each individually photographed with list of clubs and accomplishments. Great photographs and vintage design and local ads!

Also included in this lot are a 3 graduation cards, grad exercises card, February 1, 1939 The Quill student full newspaper, and Graduation Exercises pamphlet.

Some names of individually photographed seniors include: mary doherty, rita joyce, lorraine brown, ethel white, babe abramowitz, mary adams, w. ottilie allard, frances arbing, beatrice averbuck, philomena barbati, phyllis barker, rita barry, catherine bates, elizabeth batiste, eva battaglia, betarice bazoll, mildred beck, miriam bennett, anita benson, audrey bernstein, audrey bigelow, mildred black, ruth bloch, shirley blond, annie bowser, ethel brackman, dorothy breen, helen breen*, bertha brown, mary brown, amry buckley, marie buist, natalie buller, eleanor cameron, margaret carrigan, dorothy cash, marie cashman, mary cashman, elizabeth cefelo, laura chmielewski, barbara cohan, anne cohen, bertha cohen, dorothy cohen, esther cohen, esther cohen, martha cohen, phyllis colitz, margaret concannon, dorothy conlon, mbarbara connolly, jean cook, theresa cook, annette coppel, janet corzen, louise costello, irene covitz, alma crafts, sylvia cramer, margaret crowley, shirley cutler, lillian damery, constance d'angelo, esther davidson, priscilla davis, anna decoursey, arline devine, doris dickson, harriet dickson, catherine dignan, margaret donahue, mary donegan, geraldine dorney, joan dorsey, eleanor driscoll, alberta duncan, helen dunlea, rosemary dunne, eleanor engino, pauline estey, rita eyges, hazel faunce, anna feeley, ruth finger, flora finn, jeanne fish, eileen flaherty, lillian foilb, eleanor foley, louise foley, marion foley, mary foley, eileen fouhy, lucille francis, ruth freedman, elizabeth garabarino, helena giardino, frances gilman, lillian glaser, janet glass, helen glowacki, esther goldberg, sylvia goldberg, frances goldman, josephine goldman, dora goldsmith, laura goldstein, lillian goldston, bertha golubchin, yvette goodfader, evelyn goodman, harriette goodman, charlotte gorman, marcia green, bernice greenberg, shirley greenberg, helen griffin, gertrude grosberg, barbara grossman, barbara hambelton, charlotte handel, ellen hanley, katherine hanlon, marion hanrahan, eleanor harrington,s eileen hart, florence heghlis, helen henry, mary hickey, phyllis hinckley, mary hogan, margaret hooper, barbara howell, rosalie hoye, marcella hull, helen hurley, rita hurney, eleanor hurvitz, mabel introine, roberta isaacson, thelma israelson, rosalie itchcovitz, alice jackson, ruth johnson, lorene joliffe, evelyn kahn, gertrude kalis, helen kane, sylvia kane, helen katz, marlene katz, evelyn keane, catherine keaney, claire keeley, evelyn kellogg, smary kelly, annie kesselman, mary kiley, dorothy killeen, gertrude kirsner, mildred klaiman, sylvia kletzel, ann klibanoff, margaret knell, dorothy kravitz, sylvia krivelow, anna kuzirian, esther lacob, sylvia lamb, rosemarie lanzilla, helen lapp, shirley leaf, marion leary, beatrice leavitt, irene leighton, helen leneten, harriett lenox, eleanor levine, irene levine, tina levitan, zara lieberman, sylvia lewis, mary lovett, cynthia lucas, alice lundberg, ruth luxenberg, anna macello, beatrice macello, beatrice machott, anna maciejko, mary mackin, bertha mackinnon, irene madden, alice magee, angie maheris, mary manning, theresa manning, katherine manos, jeannette marcus, marion matheson*, leonora mazzucco, doris mccabe, mary mccarthy, dorothy mccollum, florence mcdonough, margaret mckenna, mary mckenna, mary patsy mcmahon, marie mcpherson, dorothjy mellor, jeannette meltzer, pauline merrigan, betty miller, charlotte miller, edith miller, evelyn miller, lillian miller, marilyn miller, barbara milliken, ethel mitchell, marjorie montgomery, mary mooney, mary moore, regina moran, julia morawski, bernadette neville, jessie noble, marie noel, helen nolan, dorothy novick, eleanor o'brien, eleanor odell, maureen o'hara, helen o'hare, beatrice packer, mary panaro, mary pascucci, edyth pearlstein, gloria pellecchia, mary a. phair, shirley phillips, janet pitt, esther polansky, doris polk, ellen polk, vivian portney, mildred potash, eleanor powers, beatrice priven, spanky's archive listing, janet prohaska, celia pruchansky, ruth quirke, shirley reinholtz, rosamond resnick, anna rhodes, ruth riceman, mary richards, helen riff, elvira rizzelli, irene roach, fannette robbins, edith robertson, jeannette robinson, lorraine robinson, helen rodman, mary rogan, jane rogers, jeanette rosen, dorothy rosenberg, maida rosenberg, phyllis rosenberg, cecile rosenblatt, anna rosenthal, charlotte rosenthal, ardelle ruby, rita ryan, rose saporiti, beatrice sarver, charlotte saslow, frances schindler, leona schneider, phyllis schlutz, salamith segal, vivian segal, virginia serafini, anna shahian, miriam shannon, ethel shapiro, rita shaughnessy, norma shaw, charlotte sheinkopf, aniata shenberg, isabelle sherman, bernice shuman, phyllis shute, adele shutzer, leah sieve, muriel silverman, virginia simmons, frances simon, evelyn singer, edith smith, marion sokolow, phyllis soloman, bernice spitz, rita steinberg, irene stone, shirley sudman, florence sullivan, gladys sullivan, mary sullivan, mildred sullivan, marjorie sweenie, frances tatelbaim, anna tessier*, marie testa, dorothy thayer, jean tisdale, phyllis tock, edna tulchinsky, ruby uline, blanche vand, mary vecchiato, florence waldman, doris wallace, mary walsh, mary washek, ruth weiler, edna weiss, biruta welaish, allison white, eilene white, mary wilkinson, margaret wiltshire, mildred wittlestein, caroline woods, phyllis yavner, irene zaporowicz, florence zdankoski, vivian zinkowski, sarah hoffman, pauline klein, helen klayman, 

Very Good condition hardback with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces, with mild shelf wear to the covers. Solid.

Great rarity giving an historic look at Dorchester Massachusets in the Greater Boston area and the promising young women from Burke during the Franklin Roosevelt years--Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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