Hey there, from Carlsbad California!

Included in this offer is one authentic Jun Scoby sealed in a food grade vacuum bag along with ample starter fluid for jump-starting your Jun brewing adventure!

The Scoby's that I'm selling are approximately 5 inches in diameter, a sliver of the mother culture pictured in the listing. I've had great success starting 5 gallon brews with just a single Scoby and a small volume of starter fluid. If you look closely, you can make out the little guy that I dropped in my big vat sitting near the bottom of photo 1, a healthy new Scoby forming above within just days. All of my Scoby's have been raised on organic, fair trade green tea (labels I always try to purchase if possible) and local, raw honey from an apiary less than a 5 minute drive from my house. The bees thrive on wild Chaparral flowers. I strive to brew the best, purest Jun possible, and now I want to enable as many people to do the same as I can.

**Critically, this culture is not a regular Kombucha culture that is simply being relabeled. This is a tried and true, authentic Jun culture that has been munching away on the finest tea and honey I can source for years. It ferments so quickly, with such an effervescent end result. It's just wonderful!**

What is Jun? Well, it's very similar to a Kombucha culture except that its genetic makeup is slightly different and it uses green tea and honey - a more natural fermentation process that can be brewed more easily with lower temperatures. Regular Kombucha cultures eat black tea and cane sugar. Not the worst, but not the best either. Bonus: Jun reaches a high level of carbonation much easier than regular Kombucha. Some people call it the champagne of kombucha, which is kind of silly, but on account of the carbonation and light mouth feel, not a bad description. I do feel like I brew a superior product today compared to my old Kombucha brewing days.

Best of Luck with your Brewing,