TR-00460 Scania R410 Reg:- 3SJ7668 Op:- Fliegl

Image Number:- TR-00460
Vehicle Manufacturer:- Scania
Vehicle Model:- R410
Country of Registration:- CZ - Czech Republic
Vehicle Reg Number:- 3SJ7668
Cab / Tractor Operator:-
Trailer Operator:-
Drawbar / 2nd Trailer? No
Visible Load? No
 The image shown above is the image you will receive, as a 6" x 4" gloss finish photo.
The watermark saying "truckphotos" across the middle of the image WILL NOT be on your copy!
The text showing the image number WILL be on your photo, this is to help you identify your prints and cross reference to our website if needed.
   Free 3" x 2" sticker with every order while stocks last!


Shipping cost:
UK ~ £1 P&P per order, whether you purchase 1 print or 1000 prints.
Rest of World ~ £1.50 P&P per order, whether you purchase 1 print or 1000 prints.

Delivery time:
The majority of prints are in stock so will be dispatched within 2 days. If re-prints are needed these will be ordered, received and then dispatched within 5 days.
UK shipping is via Royal Mail 2nd Class so should take 2-3 days.
Overseas shipping times will vary from country to country.

eBay checkout:
When you have completed your purchases the eBay checkout process should automatically adjust your invoice to combine the P&P for the last 7 days of unpaid purchases, if there is a problem please let me know and I can manually adjust it. Please pay within 7 days.


We accept Paypal                                         


We own & retain the copyright for all the images we sell, please respect this.

Other info

All photographs are taken using a high quality DSLR. They are cropped for best composition and occasionally tweeked in Photoshop to remove a stray item of rubbish etc. Wherever possible all truck & company details are logged to enable you to search through all the images on our website.