New High Quality Beautiful Unakite Natural Stone Facial Roller US Seller

How to Use:

-Begin rolling by starting at the center of the face, under the eyes and cheekbones, moving out toward the hairline in short, gentle strokes. 

-Move down to the jawbone, still working in short strokes, starting at the chin, and moving out toward the bottom of the ears.

-Next, roll above the eyebrows and forehead in an out and up motion. 

-Use the smaller roller around the eyes and take extra care in this area. 

-To end, very gently roll down the sides of the neck and then toward the center of the clavicle.

Description Details:

What it is:

A Unakite Jasper facial roller that supports lymphatic drainage to reduce the appearance of puffiness, and wrinkles.

If you want to know more…



Unakite Jasper brings together the abundant, nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink in one of Nature's most healing crystals of the heart and mind. It resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and is a stoned edicated to balancing the emotional body. It also helps spark creative drive and motivation to succeed on your own terms. The Unakite Jasper roller is a fantastic tool to start your week with!

Traditionally, gemstone rollers were used to flatten wrinkles on the face and clear fluid congestion. Unakite Jasper is a semiprecious stone that it remains cold while in contact with the skin and this helps to close the pores and tighten the skin. The most useful function is that they increase lymphatic drainage. Combined with the rolling action, the opal roller works to tone up facial muscles, increase circulation, stimulate detoxification by lymphatic drainage and aid absorption of your skin care. Using one of these on a daily basis will soon leave your face feeling firmer, smoother and looking clearer, while also working wonders for under-eye puffiness and dark circles.


What else you need to know:

Each Facial Roller will vary in color and shape since each is made from genuine stone and each stone is unique. 

Beauty Tip:

After cleansing and toning, smooth a few drops of facial oil into skin. This will help the Facial Roller glide across the skin with ease, while the roller will help the facial oil to absorb better, increasing its benefits. For extra cooling and soothing place the stone in the refrigerator or on ice. The stone is naturally cold, but this extra temperature drop will support circulation and natural collagen production, drain congested lymph nodes, rid the body of toxins, and help with sinus issues.

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