LIGHT BLUE/WHITE  CALCITE CRYSTAL HEALING 8MM BEAD BRACELET  CALCITE Gives you mental stimulation so you can learn more quickly Enhances your physical energy and increases strength and vitality Clears your mind Will give you comfort and reassurance when going through tough times. Removes sluggishness and boosts self worth
Calcite is a powerful energy cleanser , purify and removes toxins in your environment and cleanses your aura. Helps the stomach and upper intestines as well as upper spine and upper back Provides the body with enhanced energy and wellness Improves metabolism Overall the energies of this stone will bring a multitude of wonderful possibilities.In relationships wearing
calcite will encourage less arguments and misunderstandings and you will feel like you and your partner are working together as one unit. Helps release feelings of insecurity.
calcite is a stone that will help you believe in yourself and embrace every opportunity that comes your way.
This will of been cleansed and charged by the last full moon if you would like me to programme this bracelet for something specific then please just send me a message

Thank you
Note....the healing crystal meanings are for spiritual support and are not prescriptions or health care information

Because your Sacred gemstone bracelet/amulet is an 'energy piece', the ultimate sign that the bracelet has caused a breakthrough to occur is when a crystal or gemstone may crack or the amulet's wire may break. This means that the bracelet/amulet has given all of its energy to you and can do no more, then out of respect for your beloved stones you must find the remaining stones and bury them back into mother earth.