A star in the sea

Laura El-Tantawy
Self published, 2019
sqaure 8vo, hardcover in batik pouch, signed and numbered.

Two copies available still sealed in their golden transport bubblewrap envelope.

From artist's statement: "A Star in the Sea is an overture for embracing the unexpected. The photographs, text & title pertain to three independent, personal life events: A love story; my first & only trip to my place of birth in the UK & a vision on a beach in Italy. It is inspired by a desire to redefine my relationship with the ideals of success & happiness. In this context, A Star in the Sea is an opportunity to celebrate imperfection — an artistic gesture to have faith in the Universe. The book is conceived as an artistic object demanding intimacy — something you want to protect & treat with care.

Each book comes in a custom handmade Batik pouch. "