Adaptor Cleaning Nose For Saline Nasal Rinse +  Syringe  20 ml x 5 set

Condition : NEW

Quantity   : 1 SET

Brand       :  " Kiean & Kare " 

Country    : Thailand

 Why is salt water " Klean & Kare " ----> Because ....

1. Production and quality control with the same process. Brine Injection (IV Solutions)

2. Sterilization is free from pyrolysis of terminal sterilization. No preservatives Safe to use both inside and outside the body

Rinse nose with saline well?

Nasal wash with saline As a way to help clean the nasal cavity. Removal of nasal mucus, dust or germs inside the nose to come out with 0.9% saline solution, which is similar to water in the body.

The benefits of nasal wash with saline.

# Moisturizes the nasal cavity.

# Helps to remove nasal congestion in the nasal cavity. Get out easily and quickly.

# Help prevent the spread of germs. Do not spread to the sinus and lungs.

# Helps reduce nasal congestion.

# Reduce sputum, reduce the amount of mucus.

# Reduces the amount of allergens in the nasal cavity.

# Reduces irritation. Or nasal congestion

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