Suitable from 6 months the Zapp Flex has a two-way seat meaning your precious little one can interact with you or be world facing and discover the world around them. Full reclining seats offer comfort and relaxation for nap times. Three compact wheels give a smooth and bump free ride while the iconic zapp handles gives excellent grip and easy steering.

You can make the Zapp Flex suitable from birth with the addition of either the Lux Carrycot, From-birth cocoon or the Maxi-Cosi car seat (all available separately)

Keep your pushchair looking clean thanks to the water resistant fabrics. Simply wipe away any spills! Protect your little one from the sun, wind and rain with the extendable sun canopy and the easy access shopping basket is perfect for an impromptu shopping trip.

Suitable from 6 months

Compatible with the Lux Carrycot, From-Birth Coccon & Maxi Cosi Car Seat (all available separately)

Seat unit is parent & world facing

Reclines fully in both positions

Three compact wheels

Iconcic Zapp handles

Highly compact fold with easy 3D folding mechanism

Includes transport lock

Extendable sun canopy (UV 50+)

Water resistant fabrics

Large easy access shopping basket

Quinny Raincover
Maxi-Cosi car seat adapters (new)
Nappies changing mat
Nappies bag
Quinny Cup holder
QuinnyTravel bag
Quinny Footmoof
Quinny Seat pad
Quinny bumper

The pushchair frame was recently changed also brakes.