- 10G SACHET - 




 today, because of our lifestyles, we tend to shop for food in supermarkets. The same goes for the food we give to our animals. Unfortunately, these often have relatively poor nutritional qualities and therefore not as rich in nutrients as the food our animals would consume as part of a naturalistic diet.

Intensive farming methods make good quality food available to everyone at an affordable price. This is also true for the commercial production of food insects; but the insects produced do not have the full nutritional profile of their wild counterparts.

This is usually due to the quality of the nutrients in the soil and the vegetation that grows there. Natural soil is made up of four basic elements: inorganic minerals from natural rock erosion, organic matter, such as decaying vegetation and decaying animals, water and a mixture of gaseous elements that make up the air. This natural soil enriches the flora which grows there, which is in turn consumed by insects and wild reptiles which satisfy their natural food needs. This is where the two other products in the range, Calcium Ultra and Insect Food, (Listed separately) fill in the gaps in the diet of animals kept in captivity used in combination with suitable lighting and heating products,

Main ingredients:

Calcium Ultra:
See the Calcium Ultra page for ingredients.

Yeast :
Brewer's yeast is useful for digestive health; it contains amino acids, minerals and is rich in B-complex vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid) and B7 (biotin).

Natural red clay:
Natural red clay or pelagic red clay accumulates in the deepest and most distant areas of the ocean. It covers 38% of the ocean floor and accumulates more slowly than any other type of sediment when it settles in the water column. These sediments are made up of wind turbine dust, clay minerals, volcanic ash, siliceous microfossil residues, accessory constituents found in red clay, including meteorite dust and the mass of the aquatic skeleton These clays are very rich in minerals and contain a large amount of trace elements.

Mycoproteins are considered to be of "plant" origin and are derived from fungi. They contain the nine essential amino acids and fall under the category of first-rate protein sources, comparable to other protein sources such as meat and fish.
Mycoproteins are foods rich in protein, high in fiber, low in fat and cholesterol free.

Kelp grows in the "underwater forests" of shallow oceans and has been declared "the most mineralized vegetable on earth". Seaweed is a rich and balanced source of key macro and micronutrients, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, with 11 vitamins and 46 minerals and more than 15 amino acids.
The health benefits of algae are well known to improve bone density, fight inflammation, prevent cancer and boost immunity. 
Algae use carotenoids to make provitamin A.

Spirulina with DHA:
It is one of the algae that we have grown specially for us. It is extremely rich in nutrients and contains almost the entire spectrum of B vitamins which are essential for the health of the central nervous system and the brain. Rich in many other essential vitamins and minerals, the nutrients in spirulina are highly bioavailable and easily broken down by the digestive system.
Containing the 9 essential amino acids, Spirulina has a high net protein use, which means that it is 85% - 95% digestible and that its amino acids are brought to the body for almost instant absorption. 
Spirulina also contains phycocyanin, the pigment that gives it its blue-green hue. Often called "the wonder drug", studies on phycocyanin have shown that it has extremely high antioxidant activity and powerful anti-inflammatory properties. 
Gram for gram, spirulina is perhaps the most nutritious food on the planet, it contains 26 times more calcium than milk.

Dunaliella Salina:
Dunaliella salina is a type of micro-algae found mainly in salt marshes. It is renowned for its antioxidant properties and its ability to create large quantities of high quality carotenoids

It is another seaweed that is cultivated exclusively for us, under license from the French government, in a protected area of ​​exceptional natural beauty. Its growth takes several months and its harvest is limited. 

Due to the abundance of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant and a precursor of vitamin A, D. Salina is a highly valued pro-vitamin A food supplement, both for humans and animal.
Carotenoids act as antioxidants but are also essential for sight by adding clear vision and preventing damage by absorbing ultraviolet rays and blue light. 
The best known carotenoid, carotene, gives carrots their bright orange color. The pink color of flamingos and salmon comes from carotenoids. Flamingos, salmon, shrimp and lobster get their pigments by eating seaweed or seaweed eaters.
Seaweed contains eight times more carotene than carrots.

Carrot powder:
Carrots contain the best known carotenoid, carotene, which gives them their bright orange color.
Carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals and beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. This nutrient promotes good vision and is important for growth, development and immune function.
They also contain biotin, vitamin B7, formerly known as vitamin H, which plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and proteins. A group of related vitamins, B6, is involved in converting food into energy.
It is interesting to note that they also contain vitamin K1, which is important for blood clotting and bone health, as well as good potassium levels, which is an essential and important element for many bodily functions

Bee pollen:
This is probably the most talked about supplement for reptiles in recent years, and rightly so, because it contains a large amount of nutrients with many benefits, more than 250 biologically active components and is rich in minerals and antioxidants.  

Papaya is rich in fiber, vitamins A, C, E and antioxidants like beta-carotene which help prevent damage from free radicals. 

Silicic acid:
Silicic acid is a natural compound of the mineral substance silicon and oxygen. It can bind to various harmful and toxic substances, including pathogens. This makes them harmless, so they can be eliminated naturally through the intestines and out of the body.
Silicic acid occurs naturally in seawater as well as in sand, quartz and even in the human body. Orthosilicic acid is found in the tissues, bones, tendons, kidneys and liver, and is necessary for life.
This mineral content is available from food sources such as beets, brown rice, peppers, soy, alfalfa, and green leafy vegetables such as kale and whole grains.

Although we mainly use mango as a natural appetizer, it also contains a large amount of nutrients and antioxidants.
Mangoes contain more than 20 different vitamins and minerals, one serving provides 35% of your daily vitamin A, 100% of your daily vitamin C and 10% of your daily vitamin B6