HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS: organic ground flax seeds are a great source of dietary fiber.

OMEGA 3 SOURCE: brown flaxseed is one of the few plant-based products that are rich in omega 3 as well as calcium and iron.

DELICIOUS FLAVOR: organic brown ground flax seeds have a pleasant yet subtle nutty flavor, which means they go well with many foods.

VERSATILE IN COOKING: you can use ground flaxseed in many foods, including breads, muffins, salads, smoothies, and even soups.

KEEPS FOR LONG: you can stock up on organic ground flaxseed in bulk as it will keep for up to a year.

Organic Brown Ground Flax Seeds from Food to Live is a product packed with nutrients that will be easy to add to your meals. You can use it for baking, smoothies, and many more. Ground flaxseeds have a light nutty taste and contain lots of fiber.

Food to Live Organic Brown Ground Flax Seeds: Nutritious Addition to Meals

One 100 g serving of organic ground flax seeds will give you 18g protein and 27g fiber. It also contains calcium, iron, and omega 3, which are all elements that can be hard to find in plant-based foods.

Brown flaxseed is a little bit more nutritious than gold. However, it’s brown, so you’ll definitely notice it when you add it to meals. You can eat up to five tablespoons of flaxseed meal a day. But eating even one will give you a potent nutritional boost.

How to Cook and Eat Organic Ground Flax Seeds

You don’t have to cook organic brown ground flax seeds, so it’s okay to just sprinkle a spoonful of the meal onto different foods. This way you can add the product to salads, soups, and cereals.

It’s also a good idea to add some ground flaxseed to smoothies or juices for extra fiber content. The nutty flavor of the product is very mild, and you won’t really feel it when mixed with fruits or vegetables.

Organic ground flax seed makes a great baking ingredient. You can mix it with various flours and bake muffins, cookies, breads. It can even enrich your pancake batter. Soak a spoonful of flax seeds in three tablespoons of water to create a plant-based egg substitute.

Organic Ground Flaxseed Bulk: Storage Tips

To keep for 10-12 months ground flax seeds must remain dry, so always keep the product in an airtight container. It’s also important to store it someplace cool and away from heat and direct sunlight. Note that ground products can absorb smells, so keep the container away from spices and the like.