RAW Angel Aura quartz with angelite bead handmade bracelet

Angel Aura quartz is an attunement crystal and can assist to remember and heed attention to surrounding beauty of nature and spirit. It aids in resolving issues and disagreements as it promotes love and romance.

Angel Aura is imbued with divine energies that facilitate contact with the Angelic Realms and Spirit Guides. It is a master healer, bringing the light body into balance. The energies that radiate from this stone puts a protective shield around your aura, encouraging inner peace, mental clarity, heightened intellect, and ultimate serenity.

Angel Aura Quartz removes negativity on all levels and activates the healing powers of other crystals. Angel Aura Quartz can be used to soothe and heal the auric field.

Wearing this crystal will help release negativity from one's spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional body.


Angelite is associated with the wind and brings the spiritual energies of power, healing, love, and protection.


This will be cleansed and charged by the last full moon. If you would like me to programme it for something specific please just send me a message. Keep your crystals within your aura to allow the stones to bond with your energy. If you look after your crystals then they will always look after you!

Please note that due the fact these are natural stones, the colours may vary and not be exactly like the picture.