🇪🇸 ESPAÑA 🇪🇸



Friars Appointments for New Spain

Nombramientos de Frailes para la Nueva España

Date: October 23, 1713


Por cuanto hallándome enterado, de que siendo Obispo de Panamá, Don Fray Juan de Arguelles, que actualmente le es de Arequipa, ordeno de Misas, a Fray Fernando de la Concepción, Religiosos  de la Orden Bethlemitica; y después en Puira, que es del Obispo de Trujillo, ordeno también de Misas , á Fray Juan de Jesús María, del mismo Orden, movido de algunas Copias de Breves de su Santidad, que Consiguieron en Roma, Fray Francisco de S. Antonio, y Fray Miguel de Jesús María, Religiosos asimismo Betlemíticas; los cuales remitieron á las Indias, sin el pase de mi Consejo de ellas, Y teniendo presente, que esto es contra lo prevenido, y dispuesto por leyes Reales , y los inconvenientes, que de ello pueden resultar, alternándose estos tan fundamentalmente para el mas acertado gobierno en lo espiritual, y temporal de las Indias, Por tanto, por la presente ordeno y mando, á mi Virrey, Presidente, Audiencias, y Gobernadores de las Provincias de Nueva España y ruego, y encargo á los Arzobispos y Obispos de ellas, que todos, y cualquier Breves, ó sus copias de que no constare el pase del dicho mi Consejo en la forma ordinaria, que te hubieren obtenido en cosa alguna, que mire, toque o pertenezca al estado de la Religión , ó de alguno de sus individuos, y Casas, los recojan y remitan á él, en la primera ocasión, con informes de las personas o Religiosos que los hubieren remitido á las Indias; que así conviene a mi servicio, y al efectivo cumplimiento de las leyes Reales, de que tanto se necesita, para el mas acertado Gobierno en lo espiritual y temporal en Dominios tan diferentes, Fecha en Madrid a veinte tres de Octubre de mil setecientos y trece.

YO el Rey

(Felipe V)




Whereas finding out that, being Bishop of Panama, Don Fray Juan de Arguelles, who is currently from Arequipa, ordered Masses, to Fray Fernando de la Concepción, Bethlemitic Religious; and later in Puira, which belongs to the Bishop of Trujillo, I also order Masses, to Fray Juan de Jesús María, of the same Order, moved by some Copies of Briefs of his Holiness, which they obtained in Rome, Fray Francisco de S. Antonio, and Fray Miguel de Jesús María, also Bethlemitic Religious; which referred to the Indies, without the passing of my Council of them, and bearing in mind, that this is against what is prevented, and provided for by Royal laws, and the inconveniences that may result, alternating these so fundamentally for the most successful spiritual and temporal government of the Indies, Therefore, by this order and command, my Viceroy, President, Audiences, and Governors of the Provinces of New Spain and pray, and commission to the Archbishops and Bishops of them , that all, and any Briefs, or their copies that the passage of the said my Council in the ordinary form, that they have obtained in anything, that looks at, touches or belongs to the state of the Bethlemitic Religion, or of any of their individuals, and Houses, they collect and send to him, on the first occasion, with reports from the persons or Religious who have sent them to the Indies; that it is thus convenient for my service, and for the effective fulfillment of the Royal laws, of which it is so much needed, for the most successful Government in the spiritual and temporal in such different Domains, Date in Madrid on October twenty three, seven hundred and thirteen .


I the King

(Philip V)





Felipe V de España, llamado «el Animoso» (Versalles,Francia,19 de diciembre de 1683-Madrid,España, 9 de julio de 1746), fue rey de España desde el 16 de noviembre de 1700 hasta su muerte en 1746, con una breve interrupción (comprendida entre el 16 de enero y el 5 de septiembre de 1724) por causa de la abdicación en su hijo Luis I, fallecido prematuramente el 31 de agosto de 1724.


Como bisnieto de Felipe IV, fue el sucesor del último monarca de la Casa de Austria, su tío-abuelo Carlos II, por lo que se convirtió en el primer rey de la Casa de Borbón en España. Su reinado de 45 años y 3 días (partido, como ya se ha señalado, en dos periodos separados) es el más prolongado en la historia de la monarquía española.




Philip V (Spanish: Felipe; 19 December 1683 – 9 July 1746) was King of Spain from 1 November 1700 to 14 January 1724, and again from 6 September 1724 to his death in 1746. The sum of his two reigns, 45 years and 21 days, is the longest in modern Spanish history.


Philip was born into the French royal family as Philippe, Duke of Anjou. He was the second son of Louis, Grand Dauphin, who was the son and heir of King Louis XIV. The Grand Dauphin had the strongest genealogical claim to the Spanish throne held by his maternal uncle, King Charles II. However, since neither the Grand Dauphin nor his eldest son, Louis, Duke of Burgundy, could be displaced from the succession to the French throne, King Charles named the Duke of Anjou as his heir in his will. He ascended the Spanish throne in 1700 as King Philip V.


Philip was the first member of the House of Bourbon to rule as King of Spain. It was well known that the union of France and Spain under one monarch would upset the balance of power in Europe, and that other European powers would take steps to prevent it. Indeed, Philip's accession in Spain provoked the 13-year War of the Spanish Succession, which continued until the Treaty of Utrecht forbade any future possibility of unifying the French and Spanish crowns while confirming his accession to the throne of Spain. In 1724, Philip abdicated in favour of his eldest son, Louis. The new king died later that year, and Philip took the throne again. Suffering from depression, he fell under the control of his second wife, Elisabeth Farnese. When he died in 1746, he was succeeded by his son Ferdinand VI.