Monoculars telescopes for Distance or Short

It’s the perfect tool to keep in your backpack, handbag or pocket to give you that boost in visual clarity that you seek – no matter where you are or what you are doing. Take it along to the ballgame, theater or concert, when going bird watching or on nature walks, and to kids’ sporting events, graduation ceremonies and other school events.

One bonus you may not anticipate, but will certainly appreciate, is how much more compact, lightweight and convenient monoculars are to carry than larger, bulkier and heavier binoculars.

The Extra Short Focus  Monocular will hang easily around your neck from the included carry strap. You’ll hardly notice your adjustable-focus monocular is there while hiking a rural trail, but you can simply reach for it at a moment’s notice to identify that bird you suddenly spot in the upper branches of a nearby tree.

So, if you’re looking for an improved view without a lot of added weight, the monocular may be the perfect distance magnifier for you!


Keplerian Telescope Also known as astronomical or prismatic, the Keplerian telescope is an optical system that uses 2 convex (plus) lenses, the objective lens being of smaller diopter power than the ocular. The distance between the lenses is the sum of their focal lengths. The image is real and inverted, requiring a prism to reverse the image, making it longer and heavier. It produces greater visual field and better optical quality.



Fabricados con excelente calidad optica para personas con deficiencias visuales.

Excepcional monoculares enfocables  desde 4x hasta 10x  aumentos estos les permitirá ver objetos desde cuatro o diez veces aumentados a través de la lente telescópica.

Son  monoculares perfectos para guardar en su mochila o bolsillo no importa dónde usted este,  llévelo al juego de pelota, al teatro o al concierto, cuando vaya a observar aves o paseos por la naturaleza, ya eventos deportivos para niños, ceremonias de graduación y otros eventos escolares.

Tambien se recomiendan para asistir al museo, ver obras de rtes y pintura a medias distancias, solo lo enfocas con una sola mano y a disfrutar.