Eugenia caryophyllata 





Conditioning : in amber glass codigouttes bottle.

Culture : conventional

Extraction mode: Steam distillation of nails

Origin : Madagascar

Odour : aromatic, spicy

Conservation: store in a dry place away from heat and light.


100% pure and natural, this essential oil is a general stimulant.

The benefits ofclove essential oil are many. It is, for example, an anti-infective and an effective antiseptic. It is also a powerful antibacterial with a broad spectrum of action. She is used for the treatment of dental pain.


Properties (according to bibliography):

- Anti-infectious

- Powerful broad-spectrum antibacterial

- Antiviral

- Antifungal
- Pest control

- Antiseptic
- General stimulant

- Neurotonic

- Uterotonic

- Hypertensive

- Mild aphrodisiac  
- Cutaneous and pulp cauterizing

- Stomachic, carminative

- Immune stimulant

- Anesthetic  


Indications (according to bibliography):

- Dental infection, oral infections

- Viral hepatitis, bacterial colitis,

- Cystitis,

- Viral neuritis, neuralgia

- Skin parasites, scabies, infected acne

- Sinusitis, bronchitis, influenza, tuberculosis

- Malaria,

- Physical and intellectual asthenia, great fatigue, hypotension,

- difficult childbirth

- Thyroid dysregulation

- Rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, rheumatism

- Mycoses



Application advice:
External use :   

- Mouthwashes: 3 drops diluted in a little alcohol then in a glass of water,
- Diluted friction (20% in vegetable oil) on the abdomen (stomach ache) and along the spine (fatigue).


Internal use :

Reserved for the therapist.


Precautions for use:

Dermocaustic oil, use systematically diluted for external use to a maximum of 20% in vegetable oil.

Not recommended for pregnant (except during childbirth) and breastfeeding women and children under 6 years old.

Certain natural compounds contained in this essential oil can present a risk of allergy in certain sensitive people when the essential oil is incorporated in a cosmetic composition: eugenol.
As a general rule, always test the application of your preparation, in the crease of the elbow, at least 48 hours before using it.


For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes,
it is important for your health to 
consult a health professional: 
essential oils are powerful active ingredients 
which should not be used lightly 




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Photo credit:

Author: YIM Hafiz


CLOVE ESSENTIAL OIL Eugenia caryophyllata          Culture : conventional Origin : Madagascar Odour : aromatic, spicy     - Anti-infectious - Antiviral - Antifungal - Pest control - Antiseptic - General stimulant - Neurotonic - Uterotonic - Hypertensive - Mild aphrodisiac   - Cutaneous and pulp cauterizing - Stomachic, carminative - Immune stimulant - Anesthetic     - Cystitis, - Viral neuritis, neuralgia - Malaria, - difficult childbirth - Thyroid dysregulation - Mycoses     Application advice: External use :      Internal use : Reserved for the therapist.   Precautions for use:   consult a health professional:        Check out my other objects !   Photo cr