Bringing back creative play - even in a medical setting!

Treat yourself or your little one to some unique and colourful Hypafix medical tape. 

Hospital treatment does not need to be boring and upsetting any more!  Now, your tube tape can reflect your real personality - feel stylish, not sick! 

Children especially, need to feel in control of as many aspects as possible of their medical treatment.  The tape is a great talking point during children's treatment - give your little one a choice when it comes to their tube tape.  They can't choose whether or not to wear it, but they can choose the design.

This secure and strong medical-grade Hypafix Tape is supplied in a sheet (270mm x 90mm = 27cm x 9cm).  It has not been pre-cut, so it can be cut to size to fit the patient's face.  It is soft and exceptionally flexible, whilst it is also hypoallergenic and has a good quality, strong, medical-grade adhesive.

If you have a particular theme you'd like on the tape that is not currently available, please let us know.

Please note that these tapes are fabric and so the design will be lighter in shade and marginally less defined than the original picture.  We work hard to make sure that we represent the designs as clearly as possible.