Thank You so much for ebay - after researching the current recommended pricing for this McDonalds Beanie Baby - many other sources state that this GLORY is Very RARE!  Only 4,000 made (and I reckon of those 4,0000 most have ended up being played with, and have ketchup or french fries finger touches on them..hehe....and box ended up in trash....) UNLESS you are like ReallyRenee, and stick in the Cedar Chest - cause you have a best friend born on the 4th of July - and always looking for birthday  gifts/stuff with that in mind....

Please note:  the packaging (plastic enclosure) has seemed to yellowed on the top over the years - thinking you keepers or collectors of items in box - please zoom in on box to see BUT then, I opened the back of the box - to see if GLORY was faded or...and no GLORY is in pristine condition - I placed back in box after noting the errors on tags (which I reckon makes more  valuable?) By the way, where is Oakbrook - Illinois?  is that where the TY Headquarters are?

Box states:  

Date Introduced:  May, 30, 1998

Date of Birth:  July 4, 1997

Tag (the one sewn in on leg )has printed 1993    Oakbrook, Illinois

(please note:  guessing somewhat like Stamps - when you hear about the rare ones that have a printing mistake and worth tons of money....must tell the truth - I have always just loved Beanie Baby stuffed toys - never purchased for collection or because might increase in value - Thanx  to TY and McDonalds!  From a Senior Citizen!