This listing for for 5 pounds of pre-blended green beans for home roasters.  This is my most popular
blend that is perfectly balanced to be bold and rich, perfect for an espresso drink, yet rich and smooth enough
to enjoy as a drip or pour-over coffee.  This blend is comprised of a balance of Colombia Excelso,
Mexico, Brazil and Sumatra Mandheling beans.  Roast to a city+ and enjoy!

Brazil - fruity, lemon, sweet
Mexico - mild, sweet cream,
Colombia Excelso - caramel, cocoa, citrus
Sumatra Mandheling
- chocolate, caramel, grapefruit

I bring in fresh beans from the most current crops every 30-60 days, so when you purchase from me, you will never
purchase old beans that I have been sitting on for several months.