Evening Sky -
A wondrous collection of  melodic and ambient music for stargazing and other celestial arts.  Sit back, look up and let the music transport you to the far reaches of the Evening Sky.

1. Sparrow Hill (Danna & Clément) 6:35 
2. The Sky Tonight (Tihm Clément) 2:38
3. Earth Chord (Tihm Clément) 1:14
4. Stars & Spells (Danna & Clément) 9:28
5. Light On A Dark Road (Stairway) 9:40
6. Spiral Nebula (Tihm Clément) 3:11
7. First Light (Tihm Clément) 1:49
8. Painted Desert Night (Stephen Bacchus) 4:54
9. Under August Moon (Danna & Clément) 5:17
10. Opening Theme (Obmana/Pearce) 3:33
11. Sudden Night (Danna & Clément) 2:12
12. Finding Safety (Stephen Bacchus)                         11:55
Total Time               1:02:56