Nintendo Wii Games Lot - Pick and Choose!

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All Games and Game Accessories are pre-owned, but in good working condition. All games have been inspected for damage or scratches, then tested to ensure they work properly. Game cases have been sprayed and wiped with a disinfectant, but please remember that these games are pre-owned and always take proper precautions when handling them for the first time. It’s always recommended that you wipe them down and “make them your own” prior to using them.

Games which had excessive scratches may have been cleaned and polished with a professional-grade disc cleaner, but there have been very few games that needed such attention.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this product listing. If you choose to buy it I hope it brings great happiness and a lot of smiles to whomever may end up enjoying these games.

Stay safe, healthy and take care.