Becker defeats McEnroe in one of the all time epic Davis Cup matches. Played in Hartford, CT this match was crucial in determining whether Germany or the USA would remain in the World Group or be relegated to the lower echelon of Davis Cup play. The USA was down 1-0 after a surprise victory by Germany's #2 player, Eric Jelen, over the USA #2, Tim Mayotte. Both McEnroe & Becker were experiencing difficult seasons in '87. Becker had lost 1st round at Wimbledon as the 2 time defending champion. McEnroe had also lost in the 1st round at Wimbledon and had not played a competitive professional match in nearly 2 months. For this match, both men play very well. McEnroe takes a 2 sets to 1 lead after marathon sets in the second & third. But, McEnroe could not maintain his level and Becker swept through sets 4 & 5. Set scores are 4-6, 15-13, 8-10, 6-2, 6-2. This match is 6 hours 21  minutes long and is on 3 DVD-r discs.

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