PAUL MCKENNA,Total Flying Confidence CD, Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis, Fear of Flying 

A few scuffs on the jewel case, otherwise VG

CHECKOUT THIS REVIEW OF THE CD:-   "If you, like me, are terrified of flying this isn’t a must, it’s a necessity. This actually, and I hesitate to use the word, but it really does seem to hypnotise you.

I have flown many times and it never gets better for me. On take off I shake, sweat and sob. My heart pounds and I feel terrified. I'm the person you really don't want to sit next to. If this sounds like your experience, or indeed you’ve not yet plucked up the courage to fly, invest a few quid in this CD, it really will help.

There are many relevant facts and helpful exercises to highlight how unreasonable your fears are and to try and help you overcome them. You’re encouraged to realise how unlikely you are to come to any harm while flying and how it’s much more likely that other everyday events, like driving, could be more dangerous. But for me the hypnosis is the bit that makes the difference. I can get facts and figures from other sources, but the ‘trance’ section is the bit that really helps. I wouldn’t consider taking a flight without listening to this CD several times before hand. I can’t recommend it highly enough."

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