Electroforming uses the same principles and chemicals as electroplating, however, it is usually done involving non-metal substrates; plastics, clays, silicones, and organic materials.

Our electroforming kit allows you to electroform copper onto most surface using two different conductive paints, silver-coated copper and graphite. This kit is ideal for various uses; for crafters, sculptors or artists, jewellers looking to make inexpensive prototypes; mechanical designers looking to finish off rapid prototyped parts with real metal.

After the items have been copper electroformed other finishes can be applied such as silver plating or using patinas to give the aged or antiqued look. We have more information on these products at Gateros Plating Ltd


Copper Electroforming Kit Contents:

Chemicalscopper electroforming electrolyte chemicals 5L

Paint: graphite powder 20g, graphite paint 100ml, silver-coated copper paint 50ml, acrylic sealer 100ml

Electrical Connector: copper anodes, copper wire, blue and brown wire, crocodile clips, 

Accessories: guide, 5L tank, anode bag material, gloves, goggles


Extras (purchased separately):

Water (distilled or deionised [not tap water]) 

PPE -  dust mask (we are out of stock of these )

Power Supply is not included.


We pride ourselves on our customer service and we offer full backup with this kit including a telephone technical helpline, email backup for questions or queries and a range of replacement chemicals and anodes.

This kit contains chemicals that are classed as hazardous, so please check out over the safety data sheets and contact us if you have any questions. As the chemicals are hazardous, we use a specialist courier that can carry parcels that are labelled as LQ (limited quantity [hazardous]). Buyers from outside the UK should contact us as we are unfortunately unable to send to some countries.