Hemp Oil 

Organic, Cold Pressed


What is hemp oil?

Hemp oil is pressed from the seeds of the hemp plant. This hemp oil is produced form organic hemp plants which have been grown without the use of chemical pesticides. 

Our hemp oil is unrefined and is produced by cold pressing only, which means that the hemp seeds have been pressed at below 35C and it hasn't been through a chemical refining process. This process preserves the natural state of the oil.

Organic cold pressed hemp oil is brown in colour and absorbs well into the skin. Organic hemp oil has a very low comedogenic rating and is typically used in face treatments and skin treatments for eczema, psoriasis and itchy skin. Hemp oil cold pressed is also suitable for oily skin types as it does not clog pores.

What can I use organic hemp oil for?

How will my organic hemp oil come packaged?

For sizes 100ml and under, your unrefined organic hemp oil will be packaged in an amber glass bottle. Any size above that, and your hemp oil cold pressed will be packaged in a clear HDPE bottle.

Please note that our hemp oil is intended as a cosmetic ingredient only, and not for food use