2 plants Lougarou, Tree of Life, Amarpoi Kalanchoe pinnata Air Plant Bryophyllum Pinnatum Patharchatta grown without chemicals. Height from 6 inches and up. Easy to grow as grass.
"Kalanchoe pinnata needs moderate watering. Give your plants a drink full of water and always let the soil dry between watering. The succulent should be watered only when the top 2 to 3 inches of the soil dry out completely.
These succulents thrive best in a well-draining soil medium. The succulent prefers to grow at a warm temperature. They are sensitive to extremely low temperatures. Kalanchoe pinnata can survive as a hardy succulent in the USDA hardiness zones 9a to 11b where the temperature is around -6.7 (20 °F). Common Names: Kalanchoe pinnata is known by several common names such as Air Plant, Cathedral Bells, Miracle Leaf, Goethe Plant, Life Plant, Mother in Law, Mexican Love Plant, Good Luck Leaf, Curtain Plant, Floppers." (kalanchoe-succulent.com)