Language: Original Version

French subtitle

- Drums (2016):
The atmosphere is dreamlike, the characters have no name, nor the streets. Tehran is the only character whose name is constantly mentioned. A lawyer, like many others, works and lives alone in his apartment, which is both his office and his home. On a cold, rainy day, a man bursts into her apartment, exchanges a few potentially confusing words, and hands her a package that will completely change her life.

- Writing on the City (2012):
In the turmoil of the Iranian Revolution that changed the entire political history of this country, portraits of Khomeini and Shariati were ubiquitous in Tehran. The great diversity of slogans has tinted the city with new colours. Then the Iran-Iraq war broke out. Images of martyrs, military leaders and heroes who have braved death carpeted the city. Its walls have become the social and political thermometer of Iranian society. A new space for public expression was born. The film tells the story of those 30 years between the start of the Islamic revolution and the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009.

The atmosphere is dreamlike, the characters have no name, nor the streets. Tehran is the only character whose name is constantly mentioned. A lawyer, like many others, works and lives alone in his apartment, which is both his office and his home. On a cold, rainy day, a man bursts into her apartment, exchanges a few potentially confusing words, and hands her a package that will completely change her life. In the turmoil of the Iranian Revolution that changed the entire political history of this country, portraits of Khomeini and Shariati were ubiquitous in Tehran. The great diversity of slogans has tinted the city with new colours. Then the Iran-Iraq war broke out. Images of martyrs, military leaders and heroes who have braved death carpeted the city. Its walls have become the social and