Name:    High Grade MinXian Dang Gui Angelica Sinensis Roots Dong Quai, Dang Gui herbal


Angelica , alias Qin go , never to return , such as cloud classified as Umbelliferae perennial herb, medicinal into its fleshy roots can be divided into head, body and tail of three parts. Exterior color brown, white flesh is yellow , soft and tough, has a specific aroma. Angelica both blood, blood , Ze skin , tissue regeneration , relax on, but also to regulate menstruation, gynecological medicine. Angelica is regarded as superior herbs and nutritional supplements , people often add it to the soup being to increase nutrition.

Angelica warm, sweet acrid, toxic . Contains vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin E, cobalamin , volatile oil and 17 kinds of amino acids and other essential nutrients and a variety of minerals, including essential but seven amino acids can not be synthesized . Contains 23 kinds of inorganic elements, of which 16 species are necessary for the body , such as calcium , copper, zinc, phosphorus , potassium, and iron. Can enhance the body metabolism and endocrine function, prevention of facial dryness, scaling , itching and other diseases , skin shiny and delicate, but also enhance the absorption capacity of the stomach to stimulate the ovaries , delay aging women have a therapeutic effect.

Storage:Stored in a dry place and no direct sunshine.