Zinc is a form of mineral required by the human body. Small amounts of zinc are necessary for the body’s healthy functioning. The human body does not store zinc on its own. Therefore, a balanced amount of zinc in your diet or through supplements is required. Zinc is richly doing in foods such as poultry products, meat, and seafood. Zinc is present throughout the cells of a body. Zinc plays a vital role in

Other Ingredients: Di Calcium Phosphate (Bulking Agent), Micro Crystalline Cellulose (Bulking Agent), Magnesium Stearate (Anti-Caking Agent).

Suitable for Vegetarians: YES Suitable for Vegans: YES

Serving Size: Take one tablets daily with water, do not exceed stated dose.

The following are some of the health benefits of zinc:

· Zinc and regulating immune function.

· Zinc for treating diarrhoea.

· Zinc effects on learning and memory.

· Zinc to treat the common cold.

· Zinc's role in wound healing.

· Zinc and decreased risk of age-related chronic disease.