Main Description
Kaeso Manicure - Bearberry Smoothie Cuticle Remover 195ml
Bearberry Smoothie Cuticle Remover 195ml.jpg

• Contains bearberry extracts

• Softens dead and damaged cuticle tissue to aid removal

Upgrade your manicure supplies with the brilliant Kaeso bearberry smoothie cuticle remover. The excellent Kaeso manicure range is infused with natural products to maintain and restore your body, mind and wellbeing.

The high quality Kaeso bearberry smoothie cuticle remover gently helps to soften dead and damaged cuticle tissue prior to removal. This expertly formulated product contains the bearberry extract, a known, excellent natural astringent.

This luxurious cuticle remover will leave your clients fingers feeling refreshed and revitalised. This product is also a great addition to your retail offerings.

Also available in 495ml.

Add the excellent Kaeso bearberry smoothies cuticle remover to your professional manicure supplies today.

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