Atti della Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati CCLIII a.a. 2003, ser, VIII, vol. III, B Classe di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali, Rovereto, Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, 2003
in 8° 
(cm 24x17), brossura,, lingua inglese, ill. b/n
Temi: genetica, medicina, insetti

Amadori, Orthologic Liver Transplantation and Anemia: preliminary report of a clinical experimental study
Widmann, The pioneers of medical genetics in Italy: Luisa Gianferrari and the experience of prematimonial genetic counseilling bureau
Abbazzi, Magnano, A new species of Cirrorhynchus Apfelbech 1898 from Southern Italy
Fontana, Ode, A new species of Ephippiger Berthold 1827, from Nothern Appennins in Italy
Galvagni, On two species of the genus Anonconotus Camerano 1878 of the Italian Western Alps
Galvagni, Fontana, A new species of the genus Anonconotus Camerano 1878, from the French Mariptime Alps (Insecta Orthoptera Tettigoniidae)
Pederzani, Schizzebotto, On the relict populationn of Porhydrus generi in Guasticce prairies (Livorno) and the taxonomic charachters of the species (Coleoptera Dytiscidae)
Prossel, Sarzo, M. Brione: vegetatio, numerical evaluation of naturalistic value and preservation of wild life (Riva, Trentino)
Riedel, The fauna assemblage of  of the Brixlegg settlement