
Brand-new, unused, unopened item in its original packaging, with all original packaging materials included. Buyer is fully responsible for any kind of tax, custom fees or any other charges related with the purchase and import of the specific product(s).

Payment Information

To pay for your goods, please use the eBay checkout, by pressing the 'Pay Now' button at the top of this page. Payment can only be made by PayPal. To ensure your purchase is protected it will only be delivered to your registered PayPal address. Payment on 'Buy It Now' purchases must be made immediately. Once your payment has been received we will send you a confirmation message.

If the item needs to be shipped to an alternative address please update the address in PayPal prior to placing your order. We will only ship to your registered PayPal address. In the event that your order has already been placed, please contact our customer service team and submit your inquiry for the different delivery address.

Delivery Information

Orders will be dispatched via Cyprus Postal Services or UPS. Most items will be sent out the next day but we aim to dispatch all orders within 3 working days of cleared funds. Upon order confirmation you will receive a unique tracking number so you can track & trace your parcel anytime.

Return Policy

Buyers have the right to cancel an order within 30 days after the day that they received the item. We will accept the return of the item and provide a refund to the customer. The amount of the refund will depend on the condition of the item as received. If the item is received in perfect condition (not used, box undamaged, no missing parts or packaging materials) a full refund will be provided. If the item comes with visible usage marks, or the package is damaged or any of the packing components are missing we will provide a refund of a percentage of the amount paid accordingly.