Our Metal Man Tools Shrinking Disc Kit is to suit a 5" grinder and is 125mm in diameter, (7"-9" - 225mm discs listed separately) and is made of tough stainless steel and unlike some others on the market ours feature a rolled safety edge which is not only a major safety feature but also keeps the disc rigid and spinning true. Our discs work on aluminium and steel and the secret to their shrinking ability is that they create heat through surface friction when touching the surface of the metal. When the area cools with the aid of a squirt of compressed air or water, the heated area shrinks, it is the same as using a heat torch but much more controllable also faster and cleaner.

Our discs are made to suit the Australian 9", 7" and 5" grinders and sanders that have the standard 14mm shaft size. 

NOTE: This kit includes the standard rubber sand paper backing disc for support as well as the countersunk attaching nut.

These Shrinking Discs "really do work", are easy to use and come with full instructions.