Ocellus Paint

Ich biete hier für das Spiel Star Citizen die limitierte und im Store nicht erhältliche "Ocellus"-Lackierung an.
Hierbei handelt es sich um die Lackierung (paint scheme), nicht um das Schiff.

"The Ocellus livery replicates the look of the Prowler during the Second Tevarin War. It features a red fuselage meant to draw attention and trick aggressor into shooting at the most heavily armed part of the ship."

Defender :
"The Ocellus paint scheme adapts and updates the iconic colors and designs used in some Tevarin ships to bring a striking new look to the Defender. The livery gives the fuselage a prominent red ridge while shimmering green covers the rest of the ship."

"The Ocellus paint scheme adapts and updates the iconic colors and designs used in some Tevarin ships to bring a striking new look to the Khartu-al. The livery gives the fuselage a prominent red ridge while shimmering green covers the rest of the ship."

"The Ocellus livery replicates the look of the Talon during the Second Tevarin War. It features a red fuselage meant to draw attention and trick aggressor into shooting at the most heavily armed part of the ship.
This paint is compatible with all Talon variants."

"The Ocellus paint scheme adapts and updates the iconic colors and designs used in some Tevarin ships to bring a striking new look to the Nox. The livery gives the fuselage a prominent red ridge while shimmering green covers the rest of the ship."

Verfügbare Paints:

- Prowler - Ocellus Paint
- Defender - Ocellus Paint
- Khartu-AL - Ocellus Paint
- Talon - Ocellus Paint
- Nox - Ocellus Paint

Da Pakete, Schiffe und Items nur einmal verschenkt werden können, kann dieses Item nach Erhalt nicht weiterverschenkt werden. Die Möglichkeit, Items in Store Credits umzuwandeln, besteht aber weiterhin.

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