Rory's Story Cubes Voyages MAX

9 cubes, 54 images, over 10 million possible combination offering the opportunity for unlimited stories! The team at The Creativity Hub developed Rory's Story Cubes: Max in response to requests for a larger set of cubes that would allow players with less mobility and visual problems to enjoy their award winning story generator.

How it works...Simply roll all 9 dice, examine each of the face-up images and let them guide your imagination through a story that begins with, ‘Far, far away….’ The secret is not to think too deeply. Simply 'gulp' in the images and start talking. And remember, there is no wrong answer! The nine dice, each with a unique image on all six sides, hold a total of 54 images. This means that with every roll, there are over 10 million combinations for you to use as the inspiration for your story. The uses for Rory's Story Cubes are boundless. Play them while traveling, waiting in a restaurant, in the classroom, as an icebreaker, for idea generation, or to make learning a new language more fun.