Pyro RYT Multi-Tool (New Version) ("Black Cherry" / "Harvester" / "Quicksilver" / Set)

Ich biete hier für das Spiel Star Citizen die drei Pyro RYT Multi-Tools in den Varianten Black Cherry, Harvester und Quicksilver an.

"The Pyro from Greycat Industrial is a pistol-sized power tool for the modern space engineer that is capable of charging, cutting and patching; achieving a multitude of uses thanks to its wide assortment of attachments. Perfect for making a tough job a little bit easier. The “Black Cherry” edition is matte black with colorful pops of red."

"The Pyro from Greycat Industrial is a pistol-sized power tool for the modern space engineer that is capable of charging, cutting and patching; achieving a multitude of uses thanks to its wide assortment of attachments. Perfect for making a tough job a little bit easier. The “Harvester” edition blends orange and black."

"The Pyro from Greycat Industrial is a pistol-sized power tool for the modern space engineer that is capable of charging, cutting and patching; achieving a multitude of uses thanks to its wide assortment of attachments. Perfect for making a tough job a little bit easier. The “Quicksilver” is grey with black accents."

Verfügbare Varianten:

- Pyro RYT "Black Cherry" Multi-Tool
- Pyro RYT "Harvester" Multi-Tool
- Pyro RYT "Quicksilver" Multi-Tool
- Set aus allen 3 Varianten

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