Translation of ICT for Education towards a Knowledge Society

Paperback / Softback
Kamei, Machunwangliu
Anchor Academic Publishing
252 pages; 130 Abb.; 220 x 155 x 15 mm
Information Communication Technologies, Knowledge, Education initiative, National education policy, ICT4E, University of Hyderabad, Tezpur University, Case study, Indian Education Policy, Education in India
EUR 69,99 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Translation of ICT for Education towards a Knowledge Society
The growing importance of knowledge, research, innovation and evolving perspectives on expertise with the usage of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) are changing the sociology of knowledge in the globalized world. Universities are the major institutions involved in the production and dissemination of knowledge. This book looks at ICT for education initiatives taken up towards building a Knowledge Society as emphasized in national education policy regimes for encouraging knowledge generation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge diffusion and the exploitation of knowledge. The research examines the present practice of ICT adoption in an existing framework of University of Hyderabad (UOH) and Tezpur University (TZU) through intensive case study. The research attempts to analyze issues of knowledge, governance and access using ICT; the application of communication technologies in Higher Education Sector that helps in fulfilling the goal of a Knowledge Society; the communication process and strategies in the networking of higher education into a Knowledge Society; existing 'digital divide' and the implications. The Stakeholder's perspective further highlights the advantages and the challenges faced in the actual implementation of ICT4E. Based on the study, the research offers recommendations for management, human resources, processes and institutional culture in ICT4E implementation.
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